May Post I

On May 25th, I presented my project to my classmates and visitors. As I reflect on the past process of the signature project, I learned many things that I did not realized in the past. Once again, I realized how important it is to keep the work on time. The given time is not really an enough time to do a project on my interests; I needed more time than the time I had. If I started my project early, I wouldn't have to rush myself to finish it and would have ended up with better project and presentation. From the signature experience, I found and now am sure of what I want to do in the closest future. I enjoyed the project by using art to communicate with people with art. It made me to self-improve by reflecting on myself by writing the blog posts and improve in many ways by talking to teachers and mentors. It is one of unforgettable memory that Emma has gave me. Thank everyone who has been part of my project. 


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