February Post II

I interviewed my mom who was indirectly influenced by the event. She lived in Seoul during the time. She was a college student who wasn't involve in the demo or any protest. She was a student who was waiting for the graduation. She knew how the situation was getting worse but did not know the details. Like how other people were, she thought that it was just a little happening that was caused by government and some group of gangsters. She told me that some of her friends who were active in the protest were captured by the police and were humiliated by the public. She told me that by the time went, the situation was getting worse and worse. And sudden, the truth of the happening revealed. Everyone heard and knew about the truth after the revealing the truth by the foreign reporter, Jürgen Hinzpeter. Including my mom, everyone was surprised by the villain action of the government. The government tried to kill people who protest against the government and who knew the truth. She told me that she does not want to go back to that time period because many of her friends were tortured and it was one of the most chaotic time period of her life. 
After hearing from my mother's perspective, I again thought that I was lucky to be born after that chaotic time period. I really think it is important to remind people with significant historical event in order to prevent the society to repeat the wrong past. 


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